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Private Equity & Venture Capital Directory

PRIME Database, India’s most trusted information services provider is proud to present the PRIME Private Equity & Venture Capital Directory, covering details of Private Equity and Venture Capital Firms investing into India and Service Providers to this Industry.

Coverage Details

No. of PE/VC Firms: 2859
No. of Service Providers: 302

The Directory is of value to:

  • PE/VC Firms
  • Service Providers to the PE/VC Industry (Consultants/Advisors/Lawyers)
  • Investment Bankers
  • LPs
  • Entrepreneurs/Companies wanting to raise PE/VC Funding
  • Media
  • Financial Institutions and Banks
  • Government Institutions in India and abroad
  • Educational and Research Institutions
  • Organisations wishing to market their products/services to the PE/VC Firms

If you are a PE/VC Firm,
click here to get listed
in this Directory
free of charge

If you are a Services
Provider to the PE/VC
Industry, click here to get
listed In this Directory
for a nominal fee

92 new PE/VC Firms have been recently added to this database.

Information on 131 PE/VC Firms in the database has been recently updated.
Featured Service Providers